by APFLI | Jun 6, 2015 | Euthanasia / Assisted Suicide - Archive
NY Supreme Court Judge Ritholtz has ruled that tube feeding constitutes basic care, NOT medical treatment, and that tube feeding is no different from washing, turning, or grooming a dying patient. [The Jewish Week, 14Apr05; Rt to Life GC,...
by APFLI | May 15, 2015 | Responses - Declarations / DPA / Advance Directives / Talking Points
April 16 was National Health Care Decisions Day (NHDD), a day to “inspire, educate & empower the public and providers about the importance of advance care planning”. Many organizations and individuals are participating in this to raise awareness of how vital it is...
by APFLI | Apr 30, 2007 | Responses - Declarations / DPA / Advance Directives / Talking Points
BACKGROUND Not long ago, the concept of legalized assisted suicide, or lethal overdoses or injections for sick or handicapped people would have been considered outrageous and obscene, reminiscent of the ugly time earlier in this century in which medicine ran...
by APFLI | Mar 17, 2007 | Imposed Death - Definitions / Euthanasia / Assisted Suicide / VSED
Most of us are not going to even consider euthanasia or physician assisted suicide! So, do we have any real concerns for our end of life care, or that of our parents and families? YES! There are two main concerns: making sure that your desires for the end of your life...
by APFLI | Jul 15, 2004 | Adult & Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Research (Ethical)
Adult stem cells taken from bone marrow can improve heart function in patients who have suffered a heart attack, German researchers said. Stem cells are master cells that can develop into specialized cells. Adult stem cells can be obtained from many different body...