by APFLI | Sep 28, 2016 | Family Breakdown Issues, Marriage - Definitions / History / Statistics / Studies, Reasons for Abstinence, Responses - Advocacy / Dating / Instruction & Teaching Abstinence, Right to Life - Archive
Loneliness can be one of the most difficult things we as humans can experience. For many singles, the feeling of loneliness can be a motivating factor in finding the perfect spouse. However, finding the perfect spouse can drive a person to give up a healthy...
by APFLI | Aug 17, 2016 | Child Development / Family Research, Parent Resources, Reasons for Abstinence, Responses - Advocacy / Dating / Instruction & Teaching Abstinence, Sterilization, Studies - Abstinence / Pornography / Sex Outside Marriage Research
The War on Abstinence and Fidelity A recent comment in The Lancet makes the case that when it comes to international HIV/AIDS prevention, abstinence and fidelity should be abandoned in favor of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). Titled “A farewell to abstinence...
by APFLI | Jun 22, 2016 | Abstinence - Archive, Marriage - Definitions / History / Statistics / Studies, Parent Resources, Responses - Advocacy / Dating / Instruction & Teaching Abstinence, Right to Life - Archive
Pediatricians: Abstinence on the Rise A new report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveals that nearly 60 percent of high school students today have never had sex – an increase of 28 percent since 1991 —...
by APFLI | Jun 6, 2016 | Abstinence - Archive, Family Breakdown Issues, Reasons for Abstinence, Studies - Abstinence / Pornography / Sex Outside Marriage Research
Some say it’s good to have a lot of sex partners before marriage so you get used to trying people out and can find what you like. Others, like me, have said that’s crazy talk. If you get used to shopping around before marriage, you’re developing a bad habit of loving...
by APFLI | May 27, 2016 | Family Breakdown Issues, Right to Life - Archive
In the United States, abusive head trauma (AHT) is one of the leading causes of maltreatment fatalities among infants and children, accounting for approximately one third of these deaths (1). Monitoring trends in AHT and evaluating prevention strategies have...
by APFLI | Jan 18, 2016 | Child Development / Family Research, Responses - Ideas To Promote Life, Right to Life - Archive
Most grandparents will already know that the addition of grandchildren to the family add a source of much joy and love. It has however now been scientifically shown that grandparents who babysit their grandkids have a reduced chance of developing dementia and...
by APFLI | Dec 28, 2015 | Abortion - Archive, Abuse / Violence / Forced Abortion, Effects of Alternative Lifestyles
Sara Winter once bared her chest for Femen. Now she’s fighting for the unborn Sara Fernanda Giromin first made herself known to Brazil and to the world under the alias “Sara Winter” in 2012, when she became the founding member of Femen Brazil, and led a trio of girls...
by APFLI | Nov 19, 2015 | Family Breakdown Issues
In the 1960s only about 8% of marriages were preceded with cohabitation. Today, over 50% of marriages are preceded by a period of cohabitation. Many couples gradually slide into this decision because they do not know the truth about living together before marriage....
by APFLI | Nov 19, 2015 | Family Breakdown Issues, Right to Life - Archive
A study titled “The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness” found that women were less happy even after forty years of feminism. Women have had more opportunities than ever before. They have been liberated from their roles as housewives and yet – they...
by APFLI | Aug 19, 2015 | Family Breakdown Issues, Parent Resources, Studies - Abstinence / Pornography / Sex Outside Marriage Research
New research has shown that the probability of adolescents (ages 13-19) having four or more sexual partners within a year is less likely among those who were raised in “intact families that attended religious services weekly or more.” The data was derived...
by APFLI | Jun 27, 2015 | Marriage - Definitions / History / Statistics / Studies
On June 4, Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation called out LGBT rights leaders for their hypocritical support of abortion. In particular, he cited Lambda Legal’s statement that “reproductive freedom and LGBT rights have been inextricably linked both...
by APFLI | May 18, 2015 | Studies - Cohabitation
Couples living together before marriage have less of a chance of tying the knot one day than couples who cohabited 30 years ago, according to a new study by the Center for Family and Demographic Research at Bowling Green State University’s Sociology Department....
by APFLI | May 11, 2015 | Effects of Alternative Lifestyles, Studies - Cohabitation
James Wilson noted that, “Scholars increasingly regard cohabitation as a substitute to being single, not an alternative to marriage.” So what is it that makes marriage so much different than living together with the person you love? Science has shown that...
by APFLI | Jul 5, 2012 | Child Development / Family Research
Study Shows that Dads Matter Ronald P. Rohner from the University of Connecticut conducted a major study on the importance of the role of a father in children's lives. The study showed that children need love from fathers as much as mothers. In...
by APFLI | Jun 2, 2012 | Child Development / Family Research
Uncovering the Pain Behind Your Child's Anger: Learn how to recognize the reasons for anger, and whether it's appropriate or not Author Shana Schutte explains the causes of anger in children and how you as a parent can help them deal with their anger in...
by APFLI | May 24, 2012 | Child Development / Family Research
Study: Women With More Kids Live Longer Women can expect to live longer with each child they bear, a pattern especially noticeable for those with many children, according to Australian researchers, who nonetheless said that women shouldn’t have too many...
by APFLI | Oct 19, 2011 | Child Development / Family Research
Study: Father’s Presence Makes Children Happier, More Intelligent Commentary: Fatherhood… Study: Father’s Presence Makes Children Happier, More Intelligent Research at Montreal’s Concordia University has shown that fathers who actively engage...
by APFLI | Jun 26, 2010 | Marriage - Definitions / History / Statistics / Studies
by APFLI | Oct 15, 2009 | Effects of Alternative Lifestyles
An advisory report on the protection of human rights in the context of counter terrorism recently submitted to the United Nations (UN) General Assembly (GA) includes a radical redefinition of the term “gender,” claiming that it is a purely social construct...
by APFLI | Sep 28, 2009 | Effects of Alternative Lifestyles
In an interview prior to his first address, the UN General Assembly’s new president said that homosexuality is “not really acceptable.” Ali Abdussalam Treki, a veteran diplomat from Libya, was responding to a journalist’s question about his...