Secondary Virginity
Demo #8: Turn-Around Car
After you've talked about STDs and emotional damage of sexual activity outside marriage, note that some people may be thinking that it's too late for them because they are already sexually involved.
Quickly, pick out a male class leader and ask him to come to the front and sit in a chair. Ask him quietly if he plays sports, is in JROTC, arts, whatever you can find in which he excels.
Announce that "Jim" has had an outstanding year in__ and that they are having an awards banquet for him to give him a big award. So, Jim goes and gets in his car [put a baby's pretend car in his lap — find one with a steering wheel, horn, headlights, ignition, etc. if you can (check garage sales)], starts it up, and drives to get his date.
He turns down a street, but as soon as he does, he doesn't feel right about it; but he keeps going.
Soon, the road narrows, there are no lights, and no signs [make this as dramatic as possible].
Finally, Jim sees a sign — "Dead End 5 Miles Ahead" [make a diamond-shaped sign on yellow poster paper if possible].
Ask Jim what he's going to do: keep going or stop and turn around.
Jim will probably say "stop and turn around", but not always (be prepared to ask the other students what they would do if Jim tries this).
Say, "Jim says he's going to stop and turn around. He may be late to pick up his date, and they may even miss the main course; but he's going to be there for dessert, and he'll be there for his award!"
Thank him for his help. Say to the class, "If you know people who are sexually active and are not comfortable, tell them they can stop and turn around! It may not be easy, but it will protect them from disease, from pregnancy, from worry about being used, from cancer and death, [etc. etc.]
"Stopping and becoming a Secondary or Renewed Virgin will guard them, protect their future, their future spouse, and their future children. Tell them to stop and turn around!!"