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Amending Medicare: Concerns About the Proposed Advance Care Planning AspectsRule

Comments on the Proposed Rule to Amend Various Aspects of Medicare re: Reimbursing Medicare Providers for Advance Care Planning Counseling Sessions Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Department of Health and Human Services Room 445-G Hubert H. Humphrey...

Extinguishing Physician Conscience (2009)

The largest generational cohort in American history, the Baby Boomers, will be the first Americans to be denied available effective life-saving treatments for reasons of cost. The seeds for this mass liquidation have already been planted. Imagine that it is 2016, and...

Today’s ‘Palliative Care’ Disrespects the Natural Law

The natural law tells us that, in the context of health care, 1) food and water are basic treatment and care, and should not be withdrawn lightly; 2) morphine must not be used aggressively to hasten death when a patient is not near the time of death; and 3) pain...

End of Life Resources

  NOTE:  International Task Force has changed its name to Patients Rights Coalition   Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide & Health Care Decisions: Protecting Yourself & Your Family by Rita L. Marker...