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What's It All About?

This is a great time to relate all the above informatio

n together (instructor will use this time to "catch up", practice more role-playing, and/or to help the students make the connections between basic character traits; importance of maturing in all 5 ways; the benefits of premarital abstinence; internal and societal influences; differences between love and infatuation; dating rules & responsibilities and the reasons for these, refusal skills; connections between drugs, alcohol, and sexual activity; STDs and their consequences; characteristics of successful marriages; parenting responsibilities)

Obviously, you cannot get all this in during five lessons or less!

Also, if at all possible, provide some time for questions and discussion.

Teens love to talk about relationships, and they also ask about a number of misconceptions (e.g. they don’t think a girl can get pregnant "the first time", and they think condoms make sex "safe" – see below).

Discussions help them to see how much you really care and want them to think. Stress that you believe in them, that you know they are smart and can make good decisions IF they have all the facts.

They can’t make good decisions if they don’t have all the facts, right? That’s why you are there – to provide them with the medical facts they may not get anywhere else so they WILL have ALL the facts.

[adapted from Sex Respect, Respect, Inc.]