[NOTE: Single Dating prior to age 16 is not recommended; most research agrees the lower the age of onset of dating, the higher the risk of premarital sexual activity]
Students will be able to:
- identify purposes and responsibilities of dating
- identify the complications / dangers of single dating and steady dating
- distinguish between marital monogamy and "serial" monogamy
- define 5 monogamous relationship vocabulary words (PRIORITY D)
- identify different types of love
- review differences between love and infatuation
- distinguish in their own words that love is a decision requiring responsibility, not a "feeling"
- identify several factors, including parental involvement, to determine when group dating and when single dating will be appropriate
- identify the benefits of group dating
- identify several dating rules and dating ideas (well-planned; no "free" time; helpful, creative and/or entertaining activities; give family/friend your itinerary) (PRIORITY G)
Purposes and Responsibilities of Dating / Rules
Planning Dates
Complications/Dangers of Single Dating and Steady Dating
- Benefits of Group Dating
- When to Begin Dating
- Parent-Teen Communication
- Characteristics Needed to Date
- When to Begin Group Dating
- When to Begin Single Dating
Types of Love
(parental love; sibling love; love for friends; love for a child; love bond between a husband and wife)
Love or Infatuation: How Can I Know?
14 traits of love
14 traits of infatuation
Marital Monogamy and "Serial" Monogamy
Five monogamous relationship vocabulary words
Discussion Questions
Discuss some of the responsibilities learned in dating (e.g. picking up your date on time; being ready on time; making plans for tickets, transportation, having enough cash; calling home at specific times/places if required; getting home on time; driving safely).
How can these responsibilities carry over to adult life?
Let students research dating customs in other countries and report to the class, or do a brief skit about certain customs. Is single dating the norm? Why are chaperones included on dates in many cultures?
Let small groups develop sets of rules for dating etiquette. For example:
plan activities in advance; dress in a way that isn't deliberately suggestive; use good manners and be considerate ["despite what you see in public, it is still considered inappropriate to slam a door in your date's face"]; don't use drugs or alcohol; avoid prolonged privacy and situations that invite trouble; don't park or pet; show respect for the other person as a person).
You may ask students to write five rules they consider most important on a prepared sheet.
Then, for homework, ask them to involve parents by getting their parents to write down THEIR top five rules (this will encourage discussion at home). The next day, write on board the most common rules, and encourage discussion by students of any surprises they experienced in their parent talks.
Do some students still feel that their parents are "old-fashioned", or are they surprised to find that MOST parents have the same rules, and that MOST rules are really smart after all…?
Write a skit describing a creative date or well-planned date.